lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

0. Download the story collection called '4shortstories'. To do so you need to go to FILES at the top of the page. Click on Files 1 Bilingual. Then click on the file with the name mentioned. Copy the story called 'The Monkey's Foot' and paste it on a new page on your blog. Then, ....
1.Read the story from the beginning right to the end. Underline the words that you don't know.
2.Write a summary of the story in Spanish just as you understood. Use your blog preferably. If you can't use your blog, use your notebook.
3.Read the story again. Try to infer the meaning of the words underlined from the context. Write then down on your blog.
4.Use a dictionary to check that your guess is right.
5.Read the story again from the very beginning. Make sure that this time you remember the meaning of the words that you underlined.
6.Write a summary of the story in your own words. Your teacher will tell you how many words it must have.
7.Write a 10 item questionnaire about the content of the story.
8.Make sure you carry out the indications of your teacher. He'll give you a little test to find how much you remember.

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012


TASK 7 4 Short Stories
Please, take a look at the stories you can find in FILES in 1 Bilingual. For the time being, I'd like you to browse through them and have an idea how difficult they are to understand.

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012



Halloween , también conocido como Noche de Brujas o Noche de Difuntos, es una fiesta de origen celta que se celebra principalmente en los Estados Unidos, Canadá, Irlanda, el Reino Unido y en países no anglosajones como México y Colombia en la noche del 31 de octubre. Tiene origen en la festividad celta del Samhain y la festividad cristiana del Día de Todos los Santos. En gran parte, es una celebración secular aunque algunos consideran que posee un trasfondo religioso. Los inmigrantes irlandeses transmitieron versiones de la tradición a América del Norte durante la Gran hambruna irlandesa de 1840.



It says there is woman who was beautiful Japan married a samurai. women was sought by many men and used to trick your marido.El husband realized his wife's infidelity so that one day I cut her mouth from ear to oreja.La woman said she would avenge her husband.

Legend has it that still roaming the streets of Japan with a mask on his mouth men asked if she was beautiful men answered as if it was normal because everyone had mask pollution there. the children answered yes because only figaban eyes. She took off the mask and asked again if in this case he said he did not cut his head and if he said that if you went to your house and kill you there.



Se dice que hay mujer de Japón que era muy guapa se casó con un samurai. la mujer era pretendida por muchos hombres y acostumbraba a engañar a su marido.El marido se dio cuenta de las infidelidades de su esposa por lo que un día le corto la boca de oreja a oreja.La mujer dijo que se vengaría de su marido.
Dice la leyenda que sigue vagando por las calles de Japón con una máscara en la boca preguntado a los hombres que si era guapa los hombres contestaban que si porque como era normal todo el mundo tenía máscara por la contaminacion que hay. los chicos contestaban que si porque solo se figaban en los ojos. La  mujer se quitaba la máscara y le volvía a preguntar si en este caso le decía que no le cortaba la cabeza y si decía que si te seguía hasta tu casa y allí te mataba.


My favourite urban legend


Find a website that deals with urban legends, preferably in English.
Read a few.
Retell the one you liked most.
Write two versions: One in English (your own words). One in Spanish (your own words)
TEACHERS IN CHARGE:We go with Araceli,Miguel and Chatacai.
the Phoenicians founded Spain.
The port is the oldest of Málaga.
Roman port is 2000 years.
the fishing port is where the boats are arranged and where the boats docked.
Málaga has changed much in the years long.
In the port of Málaga can dock the largest ship in the world
For a year move 400,000 containers.
one Naray is a structure where the boats are moored.
There is a regular daily passenger and cargo from Malaga to Melilla.